Here Comes The Boom: The 2000 Yahoo Board of Directors

During the dot-com bubble in 2000, Yahoo experienced both tremendous success and a significant decline in its stock value. Right now, Yahoo is at peak success, with the company's stock having reached an all-time high in January 2000, and with a market capitalization exceeding $100 billion. However, as the dot-com bubble is beginning to burst, investors are beginning to reevaluate the valuations of internet companies, leading to a sharp decline in stock prices across the board– heavily affecting Yahoo. One of the primary reasons for Yahoo's incoming decline is its heavy reliance on advertising revenue. Many dot-com companies, including Yahoo, are relying on advertising as their primary revenue stream without sufficient diversification. Additionally, Yahoo is facing increased competition from other internet companies and search engines, notably Google, which has emerged as a dominant force in the search market. The company must begin to implement cost-cutting measures, including layoffs, to adapt to the changing market conditions. While Yahoo may manage to survive the dot-com crash, it is up to the Board of Directors to ensure the company doesn’t fall in the wake of one of the largest financial crises to have ever happened.


Meet your Dais


Nikolas Nagy

Crisis Director

Trent Hoang

Assistant Crisis Director

Aidan Byrne


Shanna Coulanges


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